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Webinar - Understanding the limitations of fast charging Li-ion batteries - by Donal Finegan

We are delighted to announce the next in series of our webinars.

Please join us next Friday (21st August) @1400 for an insightful talk by Dr Donal Finegan from the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Title: Understanding the limitations of fast charging Li-ion batteries

Fast charging lithium ion batteries are critical for enabling electric vehicles that can charge in competitive times with refuelling combustion engine vehicles. When choosing a battery, one faces a tri-lemma of energy-density, power-density, and lifetime, where choosing two often sacrifices the third. Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles, where high-energy density is critical for range, suffer accelerated capacity fade when charged quickly. In this talk, experiments that focus on diagnosing multi-scale transport limitations in both the positive and negative electrodes will be discussed. High-speed depth profiling X-ray diffraction applied for quantifying dynamic lithium concentration gradients in graphite electrodes during fast charging reveal severe electrode-scale transport limitations, while the occurrence of unfavourable Li plating on the graphite demonstrates solid-state transport limitations on the particle scale. Important features to consider for modelling multi-scale transport limitations will be highlighted, including complexities of sub-particle architectures. Laboratory-based techniques to map sub-particle architectures for image-based simulation will also be covered.

To register, please follow this link.

As we all adjust to social distancing in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the STFC Batteries Network is taking steps to stay connected through online engagement with an expanded webinar programme. If you have any suggestions for us or if we can offer you any specific assistance, please let us know.