
Welcome to the STFC Global Challenge Network in Batteries & Electrochemical Energy Devices


About the Network

The STFC Global Challenge Network brings together leading researchers in industry and academia with a shared interest in the application of large scale user facilities to address key challenges in battery science and technology

Large scale user facilities play a pivotal role in the development of new and improved electrochemical energy devices including batteries and fuel cells. The Network will promote collaboration between world-class users and developers of large-scale research facilities and provide a forum to draw together researchers from a range of disciplines. Network members will be encouraged to share latest technique developments and help disseminate cutting-edge research ahead of publication. This will be achieved through targeted network events.

The Network promotes best-practice research – this is especially important for new techniques where protocols are not clearly established. In bringing together leading practitioners of synchrotron and neutron techniques, we will ensure that effort is not duplicated, thus enabling the most efficient use of beam-time resources.

Membership of the network is open to all stakeholders with an interest in the application of large scale facilities  – access to associated funding will be reviewed by the steering committee.



Bringing together an international community of researchers from industry, academia & national laboratories.


Seeding lasting collaborations which will lead to cutting edge science.


Establishing cross-technique linking between different users of large scale facilities


Standardising new techniques (especially for applications to electrochemical devices)


Establishing and disseminating best-practice methodologies


Ensuring best use of large-scale facilities resources and complementary science


Providing advice and feedback to inform future infrastructure investment


Promote the engagement of industry with large scale facilities